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Can succulents die when moved from one place to another
Succulents can die if they are moved. But, in my experience, most of the time you’d have to make some drastic changes to their environment for them to pop their… Read more
What do ants on succulents mean
Most of the time, ants on succulents mean there’s also 4 of the most annoying succulent pests. Mealybugs, both root and foliar- feeding, aphids and scale. Read more
Indoor Succulents That Won’t Suffer In Low Light
The urge to put succulents indoors is understandable as their shapes and colours would add greatly to any home. Unfortunately, many succulents and low light levels do not mix very… Read more
Xerosicyos Danguyi Silver Dollar Vine Leaf Propagation
It is very likely not possible to propagate Xerosicyos Danguyi from a leaf. While the leaf will send roots the plant will not continue to grow unless part of the… Read more
Can Succulents Be In Full Sun
Succulents are becoming very popular landscaping plants due to their resilience and the ability to survive in poor soil without much water. But there is a lot of confusion about… Read more
The Best Large Outdoor, Hardy & Affordable Succulents
Below we have compiled a list of outdoor garden succulents that will grow large or have the ability to spread over big areas, are easy to look after, drought hardy… Read more
Can You Plant Succulents In Just Rocks?
Succulents should not be planted in just rocks for the long term. It is not recommended to grow a succulent in a pot or a jar without potting mix to… Read more
5 Ways To Make Succulents Grow Bigger
Although the majority of succulents are exceptionally hardy and will spread, grow and multiply easily without much human input, some may need a bit of help and extra love to… Read more
Can Succulents Cause Cancer? Everything You Need To Know
According to research there is so far no evidence that would suggest that simply coming into contact with succulents does cause cancer. However, there was one study which specifically looked… Read more
Can Chickens Eat Succulents?
Chickens do and can eat succulents. There are some succulents that are considered healthy for chickens. However some varieties can potentially make a chicken sick. It’s always best to check… Read more
Hello fellow plant lovers!
I’m Kat, a nursery owner of over 10 years, specialising in succulents. I have grown over 2 million succulent plants to date and propagate most of my own stock. I love sharing tips and tricks and, helping others grow amazing succulents. Make sure to follow along on our YouTube channel too!