Sempervivum tectorum

Top Tips For Sempervivum Care & Propagation

Sempervivum is a genus of some 40 species of perennial, evergreen plants that originate from a diverse range of environments. There are Sempervivum native to the Alps, the Carpathians but also the Sahara and other dry or stony places.

Sempervivum are also nicknamed houseleeks. This is a bit of a misleading name considering that they are not related to the onion family, which the actual leek is part of. But could this nickname stem from Sempervivum being good house plants?

Sempervivum are not suitable to be grown indoors and in the majority of cases will first stretch towards the closest source of light and then eventually die.

Semperivuvm are not good indoor plants as they need at least 4 hours of sunlight or filtered light every day

The only time Sempervivum could be grown inside is if they were in a sunroom, an exceptionally bright windowsill with over 5 hours of sun (this would have to be quite a long window) or with a help of a growing lights.

So what to do with Sempervivum succulents and how to care for them?

Position & Care

The best place for Semeprvivum is the great outdoors. Although Sempervivum do not like too much full sun during heatwaves, they will happily live through very hot days as long as they are protected by shade cloth or placed in afternoon shade position.

Because of their vulnerability to extreme sun, it might be a good idea planting them in a partly shaded position, in climates with hot summers. Many Sempervivum, unlike the great majority of succulents, are frost hardy and should survive frost and snow in winter.

We would recommend double checking your particular species if the plan is to leave them outdoors during freezing winters.

Due to their flat growth habit, Sempervivum are a great choice for all sorts of succulent crafts. They can be used to make succulent wreaths, walls, frames, animals etc.

The key to keeping Semperivuvm alive when planted in wreaths etc. is to water frequently and not leave dry for too long. The plants should also not be exposed to hot sun and be kept in partial shade or filtered light, especially in summer.

Sempervivum grow best planted in the ground due to their ever-spreading habit but they will also tolerate pots. As they begin to clump and form a mat of rosettes, it helps if they are re-potted into a bigger pot every year. This will ensure more growth and healthier rosettes.

In the ground, Sempervivum tolerate even very poor soils but will grow faster and bigger if a bit of good quality potting mix is mixed through the soil. In pots a good quality all rounder or succulent potting mix should be used. Never use garden soil in pots as this is likely to stunt the growth or kill your plants.

Sempervivum do not seem to mind the water and are unlikely to rot if left exposed to rain. In fact they seem to like regular watering. Although, they will survive periods of drought, they are unlikely to grow well and the rosettes will remain quite small when water is withheld. The best advice for watering is to let the potting mix dry out between waterings, though do not panic if the plants are exposed to days long rain. They are unlikely to fall prey to rot.


Sempervivum are extremely easy to propagate from pups. One rosette can produce dozens of little pups/chicks/offsets that are easy to pull off and pot up.

The nickname hen and chicks has been assigned to Sempervivum due to their ability to produce so many chicks. Some rather prolific Echeveria also share this nickname.

Sempervivum offsets root quite fast and have superb success rate. Many of these little plants will grow roots while still attached to the mother plant.

The most important thing is to keep the little pups out of harsh sun (in filtered light or under shade-cloth) and water regularly when the potting mix dries out.

Leaf propagation is possible with Sempervivum, but highly unlikely to yield much of a result. I have seen reports of successful Sempervivum leaf propagation.

These plants also do not flower very often, making seeds scarce, but according to various articles online, Sempervivums can indeed be propagated by seed. Just like with many succulents, it is likely to take at least a year or two (best case scenario) before the seed grows into a decent size rosette.

Sempervivum are monocarpic, which means that they produce so called death blooms. The flowering rosette will die with the flower but many pups will be produced, so on the whole, the plant lives on.


Sempervivum are susceptible to the dreaded mealybug. They can attack both foliage and the roots. The good news is that Sempervivums leaves are not likely to be distorted and marked by a mealybug attack.

Having said that mealybugs need to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible as they can spread to other plants quickly. If there is only a couple squashing them with a toothpick is very effective. In an infestation with multiple mealies pour 70% isopropyl alcohol all over the plant. Pesticides may or may not work- we found they more often don’t as mealy bugs can grow resistance. Even isopropyl alcohol does not kill 100% of mealy bugs, but is the best we’ve got.

Another little bugger that likes to attack Sempervivum is the aphid. Aphids are little black, green or brown bugs (they can come in other colours too) and sometimes seem to appear overnight. Aphids also have wings and attack en-masse. They can easily be killed by Pyrethrum based sprays though.

Not much more bothers these plants. The occasional slug or a caterpillar can take a chunk out, but it does not happen very often.


Sempervivum are listed as non-toxic to humans and pets, though as with the majority of succulents, we do not recommend eating them. Despite the nick name ‘houseleek’ these guys are not meant to be cooked up or tossed in salads.

In conclusion, if you’re after an indoor succulent Sempervivum is not the best choice. They are outstanding and attractive garden plants and that’s where they should be enjoyed. If you’re after indoor succulents that do not mind being in shade have a read through this article.